(518) 241 642
Mo - Thu 11:30 am - 11 pm
Fri - Sat 13:30 pm - 1:30 am
Sun closed
"An ocean view and trendy blue-tiled sushi bar enhance this large dining room's appeal. But, you'll need a four wheel drive billy goat to get into the place!"
With all of the groups advocating for the handicapped, where is ours? Now, I never actually realized that I had a handicap until recently. Maybe it was denial or just shame. But, thanks to social media I have found that I am not alone. I can't understand why one of my many friends never even mentioned it to me. The time has finally come for me to take responsibility and do something productive about it. And, that's exactly what I intend to do.
We have groups for veterans, groups for animals, groups for the homeless, we even have groups for internet addiction. I understand before you can help yourself you need to understand what the problem is. I have and I am ready to create Now that I have finally realized that parking lots pose a huge problem for 'Vehicular Challenged' people, I would ask that you join me in this worthy cause. You can scroll down to join our cause and receive our free email newsletter every month!
You may ask, "What is a vehicular challenged person?" I did, too. I was surprised to learn that just because I drive a vehicle with less than 3/8th of an inch of ground clearance that I was inflicted. But, now with the work of many researchers, we now know the cause of this awful infliction. You may have always suspected, but now we have them dead to rights. It's those evil parking lot designers. That's right, I said it! And, I am NOT ashamed. We believe they are intentionally under-mining our entire society with their evil plan. And we won't take it any longer.
Remember that there is strength in numbers. We have the numbers if we band together. Please scroll down and join us ON THE ROAD